Carthage Group: Learn with Us!

The international Carthage Group team has been working efficiently in the travel & tourism industry for over twenty years, and during this time, we have gained invaluable experience of organizing any trips and journeys, as well as deep, practical knowledge about the actual recreational potential of certain tourist destinations.

Our partners note that the quality of services provided by Carthage Group always remains high, regardless of the number of customers and difficulty of tasks we carry out. We organize work processes and train our staff according to this very principle. We established the rule when we hosted 100 tourists per week, and we still apply it today, hosting thousands of travelers a week.

We pay special attention to the process of developing great professional competences of our employees of any levels and specialties. Moreover, we’re always happy to share our best work practices and life hacks in the field with our colleagues, professionals of the hospitality & tourism industry.

Our Events

Carthage Group organizes and conducts webinars, offline seminars, workshops at conferences, presentations and other educational and informational events. Here are just a few of them as examples.

Of course this is not a full list of events that are organized and held by Carthage Group team members. We try to share our experience with everyone who is interested in developing the tourism industry and strengthening ties between people living in different parts of the world, and we are constantly improving and growing ourselves.

Join us and learn with us!